countryApp.controller('CountryCtrl', function ($scope,$timeout){ $scope.duffer=false; $scope.wrong = false; $scope.riddle1 = false; $scope.riddle2 = false; $scope.riddle3 = false; $scope.submit = function(value1,value2,value3){ if(value1==="jon snow knows nothing") { $scope.riddle1 = true; } if(value2==="winter is coming") { $scope.riddle2 = true; } if(value3==="fear cuts deeper than swords") { $scope.riddle3 = true; } if(value1==="jon snow knows nothing" && value2==="winter is coming" && value3==="fear cuts deeper than swords"){ $scope.duffer = true; $timeout(function(){ $scope.wrong = false; $scope.riddle1 = false; $scope.riddle2 = false; $scope.riddle3 = false; },5000); } else{ $scope.wrong = true; $timeout(function(){ $scope.wrong = false; $scope.riddle1 = false; $scope.riddle2 = false; $scope.riddle3 = false; },5000); } } });
Nearing the end, Libarian

The Final Puzzle, Librarian. Who is the Alethiometer indicating?

Incorrect! Please check your answers and make sure all in lowercase, Librarian.
Correct! Riddle 1 is correct, Librarian.
Correct! Riddle 2 is correct, Librarian.
Correct! Riddle 3 is correct, Librarian.